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There are few things I am more passionate about than wellbeing. I love thinking about wellbeing, reading about wellbeing, listening to podcasts or music that focuses on wellbeing and also talking about ways in which staff, students and parents can focus on their wellbeing.  

During 2021 when there was disruption throughout the school year I often recorded short podcasts or interviews where I spoke with various members of our community about wellbeing. I thoroughly enjoyed sharing these clips with the Junior School through our Daily Summary as a series called Wellbeing Wednesday. 

In 2023 I have set myself a goal to record a podcast each week to share again with staff and students. Wellbeing Wednesday has already proved very popular with our students in the Junior School. Over these first few weeks of school I have shared clips focusing on showing gratitude to others and also about how to develop and maintain positive relationships. 

This week the focus was on positive habits. I shared with the students my morning and evening routine of yoga, mindful breathing and a walk with the dog to start and end my day. My challenge to the boys was to then discuss with their classes some healthy habits they could then bring into their classrooms. As a family you might like to discuss some positive habits around homework, meal times or even your routine to the start the day. The Visible Wellbeing program asks us to consider what does it look like, sound like and feel like when we undertake these healthy habits. You could also discuss how these habits impact in a positive way on wellbeing. 

If you would like to share your thoughts and ideas about the future of wellbeing practices or some new ideas about impacting positively on the wellbeing of our community, please don’t hesitate to get in touch on email at . 

I hope you can join me and Sean Inman, Head of Wellbeing Programs for the Wellbeing at SPSC Information Session next Wednesday 1 March. Click here to register.

Ben Storer
Deputy Head of Junior School – Wellbeing and Administration